Course curriculum

  • 01

    An Introduction to the Real Estate Investor Life Cycle

    • The mindset of looking at your real estate business based on the stages an investor encounters over their lifetime

  • 02

    Meet Your Instructors

    • Pamela Maass Garrett , Attorney with Law Mother

    • Byron Elliott, Attorney with 3 Pillars Law

  • 03

    Building It!

    • Building Your Estate

    • Investing with Other People's Money

    • Building It Question & Answer

  • 04

    Protecting Your Assets

    • An overview to Protecting Your Real Estate Investments

    • Properly Insuring Your Investments

    • Ownership Options on Title

    • Five Levels of Asset Protections

    • 1031 Exchange or Like Kind Exchange

    • Real Estate Professional Status

    • Short Term Rentals

    • Cost Segregation Studies

    • Section 1014

    • Mobile Home Parks & Asset Protection Question & Answer

  • 05

    Winding Your Business Down & Paying It Forward

    • An Overview of Passing Your Wealth On

    • Understanding Family Limited Partnerships

    • Succession Planning

    • Four Keys to a Lasting Legacy