Double Your Closings and Profits

In this course Brian Lauchner from NoteSchool will be presents a deep dive on notes and will pull back the curtain on why understanding notes will allow you to double your closings and profits on every real estate deal that you do.

What You'll Learn In this Course

  • Dynamic Deal Structuring strategies to profit from any deal. Learn beginner to advance money-making strategies.

  • Master the steps to finding "off Market" properties.

  • Attracting private money for your deals and getting paid upfront.

  • Negotiations - Why are you leaving so much money on the table? Learn what the top 10% of successful investors concentrate on the most. Know why "yes" is terrible and "no" is good.

  • Supercharge your marketing to find more motivated sellers with higher profit deals.

Master Notes & Deal Architecting

Double your closings and profits!

Course Curriculum

  • 01

    How to Become a Deal Architect

    • Introduction to Gold in Notes with Brian Lauchner

    • Credit Crunch

    • Evolution of a Real Estate Investor

    • The Power of Zero

    • Notes by the Number

    • Building a Real Deal

    • The Penalty Box Buyer

    • A Messy Deal

    • A Deal You Wouldn't Do

    • Flipping Notes

    • Buying Performing Loans

    • IRAs and Partials

    • How to Retire Tax Free

    • Big Money with Bad Debts

    • Rehabbing an Ugly Note